Pinsky Sounds of Poetry

Hi all!

As promised, I’ve scanned the Robert Pinsky book Sounds of Poetry for us to read for Tuesday. You can download the file by clicking on this link: It will make you wait 45 seconds or something until you’re able to click Download and save the file to your computer. If you have problems, message me ([email protected]) and let me know.

It’s by no rights a perfect book (parts of his writing are really irritating, I’m remembering now, and parts will be too basic for our purposes), but it gives a good walk-through on analyzing poetry esp for meter, rhythm, and form. Skim. We’ll talk through our responses to it on Tuesday 6/21 when we meet.


Over the weekend, Liz and I will circulate the second part of our prep reading for 6/21: two sets of poems and brief background/context about them.



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