Hi all!
As promised, I’ve scanned the Robert Pinsky book Sounds of Poetry for us to read for Tuesday. You can download the file by clicking on this link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IN8KS5KG It will make you wait 45 seconds or something until you’re able to click Download and save the file to your computer. If you have problems, message me ([email protected]) and let me know.
It’s by no rights a perfect book (parts of his writing are really irritating, I’m remembering now, and parts will be too basic for our purposes), but it gives a good walk-through on analyzing poetry esp for meter, rhythm, and form. Skim. We’ll talk through our responses to it on Tuesday 6/21 when we meet.
Over the weekend, Liz and I will circulate the second part of our prep reading for 6/21: two sets of poems and brief background/context about them.